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Daisy First Aid Elmbridge & Surrounds

Are you expecting/adopting? Had a baby recently? Getting ready to introduce solid foods? Baby starting to get mobile? Are you a grandparent who is going to be helping with childcare? Do you want to do some babysitting & want to be more bookable? Then our awareness classes are perfect for you, either in local venues or in your home:

  • The 1 hr Baby Basics class just covers the information & techniques for the basic topics for babies up to their first birthday- £15 per person.
  • Our multi award winning 2 hr class covers more topics and for babies & children. This can act as the 1 year Duty of Care certificate for Child Activity Providers (Daisy First Aid is the official First aid Partner for ICAP) - £30 per person or £50 per couple at venue classes.

If you work with children and need a first aid qualification, then you will either need to do the 6 hr Emergency Paediatric First Aid course or the 12 hr Level 3 Paediatric First Aid course. Your role will determine which one you need to do.
The 6 hr (1 day) course covers basic more emergency topics and is always done in person, successful attendees get a certificate valid for 3 years £70 pp
The 12 hr course can be done either in 2 days in person, or as blended learning, so the theory for the topics is all done online, prior to the practical day in person. Succcessful attendees get a 3 year certificate for this course. £89 includes a first aid manual and ongoing support.

Individuals can book on public courses for the 6 & 12 hr courses.
If you're in a nursery, school etc I'm happy to arrange a private course in your setting - group fee available.

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Times shown in timezone: London